A therapeutic Ayurvedic massage with herbal powders to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and rejuvenate the body.
This therapy involves applying a bolus of herbal powder with lukewarm medicinal oil to the entire body or just the places that are painful. For seven to fourteen days, this procedure lasts for forty-five minutes each day.
One well-liked Ayurvedic massage method is podikizhi. Podikizhi improves hair and eye health, eases headaches, lowers stress, boosts wellbeing and improves memory. Extremely recommended for bone and joint disorders including spondylitis, arthritis, spinal issues, sports injuries, etc. You may have the best Shirovasti treatment in Pune at our facility.
Principal advantages of Podikizhi therapy in Pune :
Experience the various advantages of podikizhi therapy for yourself by giving it a try. to lead a life that is energetic, calm and healthy.